I've been exploring wool and dyeing along with needle felted appliques these past 8 months. I started with white wool fabric and dyeing it with instructions in some dyeing books. A little knowledge and a lot of experimental got me some dyed fabric that doesn't look like batik (which looks like everybody else's). I was trying to find the colors for a background that I could embellish with hand embroidery and felting as in these examples: I was thinking these strips would become borders for the Newest Flock of Sheep...one that has more open space to quilt. However I found that they are too busy in design for that felted applique quilt. The next quilt project is a reworking of the Alphabet quilt that I designed in 1996 in cotton. This is the new wool version: All the wool fabrics, rovings and pearl cotton threads have been hand dyed by me. The Quail and the Rat are still appliques, and will get needle felted tomor...