Foxes and Chickens

My newest pattern is out. I chose the subject because I have friends who adore foxes. I've even seen one in my yard. I guess he didn't like it here since I only saw him once in the seven years we've been living here in Southeastern Pennsylvania. Click on the photo to see a larger image. This quilt is 35" x 32". Yours made from this pattern could be a different size or shape depending on how you combine the blocks. Foxes are beautiful animals but they have mean streaks. I read when they get into a chicken coop, they kill all the chickens. I guess killing is a sport to them. My cat does the same thing, one mouse at a time. This quilt is raw edge stitched and has hand embroidery in the backgrounds where I drew flowers and trees. In my quilt, the chickens are on the outside, creating tension. I tried to keep the hand embroidered flowers in scale with the foxes. It is amazing how many you can draw with pearl cotton embroi...